

9 December Priors

"Rhyme with me" she asked.
"Interpret who I am."

An early scent retains the mood of afternoon in foremind:
light cast across visible sea astride the tachometric readings of expended energy

Sew fibers into cloth to wear.

"All I ask is that you pave me with your youth,
that you indulge yourself in indices of faith
to offer shares of mercy when the time comes to be separate,
when the wind elides to change pronunciation."

The noticed various dissembles.

Treatment clouds the judgment in a rush and hurts in tune with fill dirt
that would amplify uneven bedrock.

Oils no longer capture what is felt.

Oversight includes unwelcome neglect and the authority
to watch progress first-hand, immerse cohabiting life forms
in these forms of interaction.

This finished plant is evidence.