


"The time for change has come."


The time for come has changed.
The come for time has changed.
For change the come has timed.
The has come time for change.
For time has come the change.
The change for time has come.
The come for change has time.
The time for has come changed.
The change for come has timed.
The come for change has timed.
The for change time has comed.
The come for has changed time.


Obama Obama O
bama Obama Oba
ma Obama Obam
a Obama Obama
Obama Obama O


Time changed has for come the.
Comed has time change for the.
Timed has change for come the.
Timed has come for change the.
Changed come has for time the.
Time has change for come the.
Come has time for change the.
Change the come has time for.
Change for time come has the.
Timed has come the change for.
Changed has time for come the.
Changed has come for time the.


O amabO amabO
amabO amabO
mabO amabO am
abO amabO amab
O amabO amabO


The time for change has come
time for change has come the
for change has come the time
change has come the time for
has come the time for change
come the time for change has
the time for change has come


O b a m a O
b a m a O b
a m a O b a
m a O b a m
a O b a m a
O b a m a O


The time for change has come.
The time for come has not changed.
The time for change has not come.
The change for time has come
The come for change has not timed.
The time for change has come.
The time for change has come and
gone. And come. And gone. And